
1st European forum on cultural heritage and gender

Online (Webinar)

PROGRAMME 09:00-09:30 Institutional presentation. European strategic documents 09:00: 09:10 Women’s Storytelling, or how to communicate cultural heritage in terms of gender 09:10-09:20 The work of the Council of Europe for Gender Equality. Carolina Lasén Díaz. Division for Gender Equality of the Council of Europe 09:20-09:30 Estrategy 21. Ana Schoebel Orbea. European Heritage Days National Coordinator […]

Industrial heritage and gender perspective. Towards a new cultural interpretation.

This workshop seeks to provoke reflection, overcoming preconceived ideas about the legacy of women and industrial heritage. We believe that it is possible to interpret our heritage under a gender perspective point of view, but for doing so, we must start by reviewing everything we give as an statement, introducing a different and lasting speech […]